Thursday, November 15, 2007

Akavar 20/50 Reviews: Where to find them

Right now there actually isn't that much real information online regarding the Akavar 20/50 diet pill. Most of the "reviews" out there are either fake or are simply marketing/promotional articles that contain little or no truly helpful info.

I've spent a lot of time searching online and offline for genuinely useful articles and first-person reviews of the Akavar weight loss supplement. Here are the handful of sources I've found that seem to contain real information instead of simply more marketing hype for this product... Akavar Reviews from Actual Walgreens Customers
  • A handful of reviews from people who actually purchased Akavar at the Walgreens drug store. As of this writing the reviews range from "Worthless!" all the way to "Great diet aide" ...with a total overal "Average Customer Rating" of 3.3 stars out of 5.
Diets in Review: Akavar 20/50
  • A longer review from a popular diet web site. The reviewer's overall conclusion is that the makers of Akavar 20/50 leave a lot of questions unanswered in terms of what exactly the product does as well as its impact on the body and the user's health. They also make the point that it's misleading to say that someone can lose weight without changing their diet or exericising although, to be fair, the Akavar packaging does state that you'll get better results faster with a proper exercise and diet program.
Yahoo Answers: Has anyone tried the new diet pill AKAVAR 20/50, does it work?
  • Only one decent review from a user who's been using Akavar for a few days. Mentions that the product contains a lot of "caffeine and caffeine-like stimulant mixtures" and that someone could become nauseated using it. The reviewer also states that the product doesn't seem to be worth the money but admits that everyone is different so it may work better for someone else.
Ultimate Fat Burner: Does Akavar 20/50 Work?
  • A long review from one of the web's top diet and weight loss reviews sites. Overall it paints a pretty negative picture of Akavar and it's maker Dynakor Pharmacal, mainly due to the sensational marketing tactics used to sell the product. However, it should be noted that the author of the review did not actually use the product.
By the way, if you're looking for some "highly questionable" reviews (ones that I really don't think are 100% genuine) check out these sites:

Supplement Critic: Akavar 20/50 Dynakor Quick Diet Fat Loss Formula


Unknown said...

Not sure what to make of
Akavar seems to work for some and not for others. Might be worth a try.

Jay said...

Akavar 2050 seems to be a little controversial as I've seen some reviews of it working for some people, not working for some and some people with some really bad side effects that would make you think twice about it.

Melanie Jane said...

I'm using it right now and using my blog to track my results:

if you want to see if it works for me or leave comments with any tips or info, it would be great! :)

Cheap car insurance said...

I have not tried Akavar yet, but by the looks of it i dont know..
Supplement Reviews

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i purchased AKAVAR 20/50 from it worked effectively in loosing my weight.i lost nearly 10 pounds of my weight in two weeks.From the past one week i`ve been surfing over the internet on this product. but i did`nt got an detail information about this drug.But on seeing the information that is available on i became happy that this is the only site which contains good content about akavar 20/50.

chin said...

I am using this product from the past few weeks, now i am happy to tell that i lost significant weight. I am glad that i found this at

Shalini said...

Thanks for sharing such useful information. The information provided is very very niche and this information is not available so easily. Therefore I thank the writer for the useful input.

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